Top 10 UK Gay Movies

Top Gay Movies from the UK – Where to See

Welcome to “British Queer Cinema,” a podcast where we dive into the world of LGBTQ+ films from the United Kingdom. In this episode, we’re taking you on a cinematic journey through the Top 10 UK Gay Movies, each of them a testament to the rich and diverse storytelling within the British LGBTQ+ filmography.


Victim (1961)
Now steaming Max, Britbox, DVD Amazon

Beautiful Thing (1996)
Now Streaming Tubi, Prime, DVD Amazon

Maurice (1987)
Now Streaming Prime, DVD Amazon

My Beautiful Laundrette (1985)
Now Streaming Kanopy, Prime, DVD Amazon

Sebastiane (1976)
Now Streaming Ovid, Flixfling, Kanopy, DVD Amazon

Pride (2014)
Now Streaming on Hulu, Prime, DVD Amazon

Pride Prime Amazon

Priest (1994)
Now Streaming on Prime, DVD Amazon

Not Available in Disk (Maybe Ebay)

Prick Up Your Ears (1987)
Now Streaming on Tubi, DVD Amazon

Clapham Junction (2007)
Now Streaming on Google Play, Prime, DVD Amazon

Lilting (2014)
Now Streaming on Prime, Sundance Now, AMC+, Kanopy, DVD Amazon

From groundbreaking classics like “Victim” (1961) that tackled taboo subjects during a different era to modern gems like “Pride” (2014) that celebrate LGBTQ+ activism, we’ll explore the narratives, characters, and impact of these films. Join us as we discuss the poignant and sometimes provocative stories told in these movies.

We’ll delve into the beauty of films like “Beautiful Thing” (1996) and “Lilting” (2014), which explore the complexities of love and connection. We’ll also examine the historical significance of movies like “Maurice” (1987) and “My Beautiful Laundrette” (1985) in portraying queer experiences in a changing society.

As we venture through cinematic history, we won’t forget the avant-garde stylings of Derek Jarman’s “Sebastiane” (1976) or the thought-provoking narratives of “Priest” (1995), “Prick up Your Ears” (1987), and “Clapham Junction” (2007).

For more details on where to watch these remarkable films, visit our website, Join us on this exploration of the United Kingdom’s contribution to LGBTQ+ cinema and discover the stories that have left a lasting mark on the global queer community. Grab your popcorn, settle in, and let’s begin this cinematic journey!

the gaydolls  

gay film, gay movie recommendations, top 10 gay movies, best gay movie, classic gay movie, gay love story, gay movie imdb, lgbtq movies, gay movies uk, victim movie, beautiful thing, maurice movie, my beautiful laundrette, sebastiane gay film, Pride 2014,

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