About Us
So The gaydolls was reborn as a podcast on gay culture, which of course is my life, my friends, my world. There is so much to talk about with everything we love and dislike about our new world of freedom (in most countries) so please enjoy and subscribe to the gaydolls we would love you to be with us.

Meet Your Hosts

Hi, my name is Steve. I love traveling and meeting people and I use to be a flight attendant, how’s that for a cli·ché.
But I do love all of that, Travelling is still very high on my list. However, I also love gay culture including movies, TV, books, theatre, naked men, everything gay really. So, it’s great just to be able to talk about anything with you.

Have asked my friends who would like to come on to the show.
But most said do I have show my face, I hate being on video. But I will make sure we have some very funny conversations on gay culture that only gays can do. Be warned !
But perhaps I get them in to a dog mask and harness..Who Knows?
What People Say
Mom said I have the best voice for talking on the wireless! Her last comment was what is a podcast. Thanks Mom that will work.
My Best girlfriend just said I love you; I believe you can do anything. I can’t wait to come on your show.
This guy I just meet a few days ago, he was very cool, and I liked the picture. He said I listen to crime podcasts, so there you have it…
The Gaydolls, The Gay Dolls Podcast, Queer Pod Cast, Gay Content, Gay Songs, Gay Movies, Gay Podcasts, Gay TV, Queer Fun, Gay Talks, Gay Sex, About The Gay Dolls, About Gay, Gay Stuff, Queer Stuff, All About Gaydolls, The Gaydolls, Gay Stories, Gay Story, Gay Love, Gay Books, Gay Shorts, Gay Films, gay media, gay, insta gay, gay boy, lgbt, gay man, gay pride, gay men, gay guy, love is love, gay life, queer, gay love, gay hot